All you have to do is to read the daily guest posts and comment as often as you like as visitors, on whichever days you like. Then at the end of the month we will choose three winners whose comments add substantially to the forum.
Prizes include a kindle ebook with a free download of Greylands, a signed copy of several print books by Isobelle, and an audio book or two. If you own all of her books already, she will happily donate them to the library of your choice.
All three winners will take home a kindle with books download, audio books and tradition signed copies of traditional print books.

Judging the competition

Min Dean
Webmistress Min Dean will turn her sharp and canny gaze on visitor posts on the Great eBook Debate every other day, to choose her favourite post (or a representative sample of a good series of posts) for that day by a visitor.
Every alternate day, Isobelle’s personal assistant, wise life-coach, accomplice, and gentle guide, Heather Giles, (pictured below) will look through all posts to the Great eBook Debate and choose her favourite visitor post for that day. At the end of the month all of these posts will become the short list entries for the three prizes pictured above.

Heather Giles
I met Heather Giles first when I originally moved to Apollo Bay. She worked in the Health Food Shop where I ate and had coffee every other day.
She was a reader and that drew me to her. If I think about it, I saw in her this lovely combination of gentle but profound and thoughtful competence at anything she turned her hand to, and an intelligent and evolved interest in the arts. I had plenty of creativity but very little feeling of competence at life, and so I was very attracted to and in awe of Heather’s ability to combine the two, as much as enjoying our shared love of books.
In time, I discovered that Heather had grown up in Melbourne before she moved to Apollo Bay, that she had two children whom she raised alone after her husband died, and that she had worked over the years as a nurse, a school holiday program worker and in restaurants. Aside from being an avid and discriminating reader from a young age, dance and movement have also been part of her life for eons. She knits up a storm and when she has time, creates her lovely garden.
She had been working in the Paradise Bookshop in Apollo Bay for some time when it changed hands and became a family owned and run business. A lightning bolt of pure genius struck me and I asked her if she would work for me part time, as a personal assistant. She knew me well and I was afraid this would make her run a mile but to my everlasting gratitude, she took the job. Heather is a ruby beyond price and the decision to ask her to work for me was perhaps the best decision I have EVER made. She does everything from booking flights to hunting up scents to put in plastic bags for workshops I will run, to finding out what research is being done into sleep. She will never be bored orking for me, but she may occasionally tear her hair out trying to organize me- which i suspect it a bit like trying to herd cats.
Asking her to share the overseeing and choosing of daily guest posts or the competition just made perfect sense.