The Slipstream

A degree of the surreal,

The not-entirely-real,

And the markedly anti-real.

Greylands eBook Launch Day!

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Today has been a HUGE day on the site!

Aside from a guest post on our eVolution debate by the fabulous Judith Ridge, this evening you will learn the identity of our illustrious guest launcher and get the chance to read her launch speech.

Today is also the day the eBook of Greylands goes live on Amazon, and Smashwords. You can read more about the dramatic midnight efforts last night, to get the book up on Amazon and Smashwords shortly, in another post. Needless to say, it turned out to be a rather more complex process than this Luddite expected!

As with any book launch (an with a lot of help and forbearance from friends) the eBook is available from today, but the site links will not be live till later in the day. If you can’t wait to see what all the fuss is about and you missed the book when it was in print, you can have a sneak peak by segueing right now to:

Buy Greylands by Isobelle Carmody on AmazonBuy Greylands by Isobelle Carmody on SmashwordsFind Greylands by Isobelle Carmody on Book.ish

Otherwise, read Judith’s wonderful debate offering and comment, stay tuned for the lovely and poetic launch speech this evening and wake up tomorrow to click on any of the links at the bottom of each site page, to buy the book or just have a sneak peak.

And remember, the site stays up for one month in total so we still have some great speakers lined up and some other special announcements and of course, the announcement of the evolution debate visitor post winners!

3 Responses

  1. Deb says:

    Silly question, but seeing as I don’t own an e-reader, which is the best site and format to buy?