Posts Tagged ‘Isobelle Carmody’
Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop
. . . i like that phrase. The small perfection of it. : what it means: the fraught anticipation rising from the knowledge that there is something more to come. : the implication is..
On silence
: pictures by Jan Stolba . . . I think a lot about silence. . . . . . . i used to equate silence with power because for most of my life, I felt..
Being normal
: it is a slate grey day such as I might have drawn in black ink on the thick watercolour paper I like best. It has a rough texture over which the points of the..
Too many angels
why all the animals? . . . . . . sometimes someone asks a question that makes you think and the more you think about it, the bigger the question gets. : and why..
days like this
: today in the shower I had the overpowering conviction that my editor hates me . . . . . . it is one of those days. : it started out with me pulling the..
The Journey Ends…Or Does It?
Tomorrow, this Greylands Launch site in all its depth and complexity, will self-destruct. I know it is wonderful – so much more than I imagined when Min and I devised it in theory- and I..
The Last Word
I have always wanted to have the last word only I am not the sort of person who comes up with it on the spur of the moment. For me, to write is to think..