Today is the last official day of this Greylands launch microsite. (in fact it will not come down until Monday evening when Min gets home from work) See it and comment before it vanishes, or forever hold your peace!
In due course, it will be archived by the Canberra Library – it will not be available for some time, but it will nevermore be interactive.
A place holder will be left in its wake, commemorating the site, and where you can access buttons to order the book as an eBook in English and eventually in German. Of course if you want a print book, that will soon be available and you can contact Ford street, who are republishing it. An audio book is also in the pipeline…
As for me, you will find me on my own blog at the end of November. It will be called TheSlipstream.
A place holder exists in the cyberspace where it is being built (by Min). The blog will be less long and dense and specific and frequent than the guest blogs I did for insideadog blog earlier their year. It will be a chamber where you will find dreamy and evocative detail- visual, imagined, aural, – presided over by a fox spirit with the power of metamorphoses. Imagine if you were visiting not my conscious mind, but my dreaming and subconscious mind. Or perhaps my daydreams…
The Greylands launch site with its debate essays will be archived on TheSlipstream, and will therefore forever accessible. There will also be a place for comments and thoughts and questions, from which I will choose one to respond to, occasionally, if they are deep enough to drop down into my undermind, or clever and strange enough to slip into my daydreams. In any case, these comments will be approved by the fox spirit. Nothing too real or concrete will please the sly and contrary guardian of my blog, so keep this in mind.
But for all other practical information regarding my future appearances, what I am doing, what I am writing, what is coming out next and other such matters, visit my idiocyncratic website.
A thousand blessings on you for visiting this temporary but marvelous site. In the end it gained a substance I did not expect – no doubt because its sum is greater than its individual parts. May all your dreams come to such rich and wonderful fruition!
warmest good wishes,
Isobelle Carmody
Thanks for the wonderful journey, Isobelle and all involved. I enjoyed it enormously, learnt a lot along on the way and had great fun!
Thanks for this wonderful site 🙂 I learnt heaps and I think I have even changed my mind about ebooks and other etechnologies. I used to be a bit wary of them and now I think I am more interested in how they work and ways that writers can use them to reach readers.
Your blog sounds suitably whimsical. It also sounds suitably innovative. I would expect no less from yourself and Min. Best wishes with the new site and I am sure I will check it out when it is up and running.
How marvellous! There are some wonderful essays here and I am so glad to hear they will be accessible again in the future! I got online today to read all my favourite ones again before they disappeared in to the ether of the internet. I look forward to reading your new blog and visiting the slipstream!
Thank you for a wonderful months of reading, interesting and fascinating essays and a new insight into the technology of stories.
Isobelle, thank you for creating such a great site to explore with thought provoking articles and comments. Sad to see it being taken down, but then anything that’s been on the web for a while is archived for those who really want to find it again 🙂
Look forward to visiting the Slipstream when it goes live.